Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Featured Article Analysis

Music magazine featured article analysis.

Title: The title; ‘NME love The Teenagers’ is meant to draw in the reader’s attention because the title states that NME (which is the brand of this magazine) loves this particular band and the reader will be reading this same brand of magazine so they will want to know why.
Gutters: On this double page spread there is two gutters on the left side which is also the main body text, there is a small amount of other text on the right side of this double page spread that’s is not directly part of the article. This article seems to be quite short compared to other main articles.
Kicker: There is a very small kicker below the title giving some information on the main article. Kickers are often longer that this selected one.
Pull quotes: There is a pull quote in-between the two gutters that provides some more information on the featured article. A common action taken by regular magazine users is to first read the title, kicker and the pull quotes to see if they would be interested or want to read this article or not. Pull quotes are often just quotes by one of the members being interviewed or a quote the have given just for the article.
Drop cap: The drop cap is something that is used in nearly all articles, it indicated where the article starts and where to begin.
Subheadings: There is no subheadings for this featured article, it is uncommon for music magazines to have subheadings. What subheadings are actually meant to do is just to give a heading to a sub-section of an article.
Caption: Captions are another thing that is uncommon in music magazines, however this article does have a small amount of information on the main image of this featured article.
Sidebar: A sidebar is a part of an article that tells the reader about something linked to the article but not directly about it. This article has a sidebar with three separate smaller articles that are all about similar styles of music. The sidebar for this featured article covers half of the right page and is as large as the featured article itself.
Colours and font: The colours used specifically for this article are: blue, black, white and brown. The standard amount of colours used for any article for any kind of magazine is usually under 5 because the article would too messy and complicated if there were too many colours. The colours used for this article are typically related to teenage boys who are into rock or indie music. There is about three or four different kinds of fonts in this article, the different fonts are used for different things, for example the font used to write the main article is easier to read that the fonts in the sidebar because there is more text in the main article.

Title: The title for this featured article; ‘The new first lady of pop-punk’ is a different approach for this magazine (Kerang). Kerang usually don’t have articles directed at slightly younger female audiences. This may attract more attention for the magazine.
Gutters: There are three gutters on the left hand side of this double page spread that present information like it should.
Kicker: The kicker for this article gives more information than the last, it gives the reader more of an idea of what the article is going to be about.
Pull quotes: There is only one pull quote for this article and it is next to the main image to take up white space. The size of this text is larger than most other pull quotes, this is another way of attracting the reader’s attention.
Drop cap: The drop caps are something that is used in nearly all articles, it indicated where the article starts and where to begin. This article has two drop caps, one to symbolize where the article starts and the other to show where the next paragraph beings after the first gutter has finished.
Subheading: Similar to the last article; this article does not have any sub headings through the main body of the text.
Captions: There is a caption for the other image in the bottom left corner of these pages that is explaining the image in more detail. The pull quote for the main image works as a caption even though it doesn’t have a proper caption.
Sidebar: The sidebar for this article includes lots of images, this aids the reader visually, it is also coloured in pink, making it stand out with part of the title of the article.

Colours and fonts:  This article includes more colours than an average article; white, black, yellow, pink and blue. This makes the article slightly messy looking but this works well with the article content because it is aimed at teenagers (who are stereotypically messy).

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